
Rides Available When You Rent from Us

You have at least 4 options for rides when you rent from us.

  1. The classic carriage roads you see in the Acadia National Park websites and brochures.
  2. Local rides around Southwest Harbor, including the Acadia properties of Seawall, Wonderland, Ship Harbor, Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, and the Western Mountain fire road network.
  3. Rides to the ferries that can take you to the Cranberry Isles and Swans Island.
  4. A drive over to the Schoodic section of Acadia for rides on the Schoodic Loop Road and interior bike paths.

The Acadia carriage roads are a must-do experience for most visitors.  Include a vehicle rack with your rental from us and you have the freedom to get to them when you want, about 20 minutes drive from our shop. (note that only the most experienced and fit road riders “can get there from here” via bike.)

Our staff are all local residents and we can advise on all the ins-and-outs of these rides and more.

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