Rental Agreement

SOUTHWEST CYCLE RENTAL AGREEMENT- Required for All Rental Requests

Assumption of Inherent Risks: I, the Renter (and members of my renting party, hereafter “we” or “our”) understand that bicycling involves inherent risks. I/we understand the demands of bicycling relative to my/our physical conditions and skill levels, and I/we appreciate the types of injuries that may occur as a result of biking and their potential impact on my/our well-being and lifestyle. I hereby assert that my/our  participation is voluntary and that I/we knowingly assume all inherent risks.

Renter’s Responsibilities: I am renting item(s) upon the express condition that it/they will at all times remain the property of Southwest Cycle. I accept the use as-is of the equipment rented and accept full responsibility for its care while in my possession. 

I will be responsible for replacement at full retail value of any rented equipment stolen or damaged beyond reasonable repair rented under this agreement.  I agree to reimburse and hold harmless Southwest Cycle for loss or damage, of any kind, other than reasonable wear and tear which results from my use of this equipment.  Equipment which is not returned at the agreed time may incur a charge not exceeding one day’s rental, and I grant Southwest Cycle the right to use my deposit/credit card for that charge. 

Release of Liability:  I/we hereby release, hold harmless, and indemnify Southwest cycle, its owners, employees, agents, the equipment manufacturer and distributor for any and all liability for personal injury including death and property damage, that in any way arises from the use of this equipment, including but not limited to any alleged negligence on the part of the releasee in the selection, installation, maintenance, or adjustments to this equipment and its use.

Racks: I understand that once a car rack is installed on the vehicle the hatch/trunk should not be opened, or damages may occur to the vehicle. I agree that Southwest Cycle will not be held responsible for any damage which may occur to the vehicle once the vehicle has left the premises.

Helmets: I understand that helmets are included with the rental and should be worn.  However, I am aware that no helmet can protect the wearer from all foreseeable impacts or injuries.

No Modifications: I understand that the wheels or other parts may not be removed from the bicycle for transport or any other reason.

Accessories: I understand that accessories such as child trailers and tag-a-longs can change the dynamics of cycling and can create additional risks for the cyclist and passenger.

Malfunctions: I understand that in the rare event of mechanical malfunction or flat tire, I am responsible for returning the rented equipment to the shop for repair. Flat kits are available for use.

Time and Charges: Our rental day is from shop opening to evening.  All charges are based on the time the item is in renter’s possession whether in use or not. Note that there are no refunds on rentals returned before the end of the paid rental period.

Return of Equipment: E-bikes, gravel bikes, and any child gear must be returned to the shop 30 minutes before closing for inspection. Except for July and August, it may be possible to return other rental equipment as late as 8:00 p.m. if locked to the racks at rear of shop.  Please ask shop staff if this may be possible. 

IF RENTING E-BIKES, please read below.  IF NOT, you may scroll to the bottom of the page.

Special Conditions for E-Bike Rental

If my rental includes any e-bikes, I understand and agree to the following:

  1. Any and all e-bike riders must at least 18 years of age.
  2. The rider of the e-bike must be present for the explanation/demonstration of the e-bike’s unique functions and handling characteristics.
  3. Under no circumstances may the e-bike be adjusted or modified in any way. This includes no removal of wheels for transport.
  4. E-bikes are heavier than non-powered bikes and may only be transported by vehicles equipped with a receiver hitch and a hitch-mounted tray rack.  E-bikes may also be transported, without modification, in a pickup truck bed.
  5. E-bikes may not be ridden at night, regardless of accessories.
  6. E-bikes may not be used to pull trailers or tag-a-longs.
  7. E-bike weight capacity is for a rider up to and not exceeding 250 lbs.
  8. E-bikes can be seriously damaged by exposure to water. Renter agrees to use caution and care to keep the e-bike protected from rain, mist, fog, etc.
  9. E-Bikes must be returned 30 minutes before shop closing.
  10. The replacement cost of our e-bikes is between $2500 & $4000. Once the e-bike leaves our property, you are fully responsible for returning it undamaged and in working condition.  Necessary mechanical or cosmetic repairs arising from your use/misuse will be explained and charged to you.
  11. A battery charger will be loaned for multi-day rentals. Lost or damaged chargers will be assessed a $200 charge for replacement cost.

TO COMPLETE YOUR RENTAL REQUEST, close this tab to return to the Form.  There you will click to Accept the terms above, and then be able to click Submit to send your Rental Request to the shop.